Sunday, February 17, 2008


Did do some work on the short story yesterday – not as much as I wanted to – but that's the way it always goes with me. Feel pretty pumped to get to it today. I managed to work out the back story for my two main characters and I have them at the point where they meet for the first time.

Was going to do some more last night but started watching Finding Nemo for the first time and couldn't get away. What a great film. Funny and sad – is there a better formula for a hit?

In fact, at the moment, I'm feeling pretty pumped about everything. This always happens when I'm a week away from going back to work. I see the jail doors closing and I rush everything I can out before they slam shut. This year is the year when the day job becomes the love job. Really. It just has to. Back to the $10,000 short story.


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