Thursday, February 7, 2008

The long haul

So I started the writing of The Cleaning Station yesterday morning. I don't know if the writing is good or bad but the writing process was fucking awful. Talk about pulling teeth. Even with my handy plan next to me telling me where to go next, it was still akin to banging head against thick concrete wall. But I got five pages out and five pages is five pages and no one should be complaining about that. Even me.

I also worked out more of the short film I started around Christmas time about twins. Is there a filmmaker out there that wants to make a short film about twins? Oh yeah, they have to be identical or the whole story ain't going to work. Sorry about that. And it's not quite finished yet. So you'd have to hang on for a while. But I think it's going to be really cool. So all aspiring filmmakers should be getting ready to come and line up outside my door. Any time you're ready. I just put some coffee on.

I don't really feel like writing again today. Even though I know that I only have these few weeks to get some real work done. We had a HUGE family bombshell dropped last night by M's daughter and we're all kinda reeling. But this is the job right? Get it done no matter what else is happening. Even though this is really huge and is going to change absolutely everything. Well, we'll see what happens.

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