Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How to make plays be friends with each other

Didn't manage to get a thing done yesterday. It was so hot when I got home and then so, so, so hot during the night that all I could manage to do was lie on the couch and be utterly horrible to anyone who came near me. But the heat has broken and it's time to start cracking.

I've been given the task of trying to put the play together that J and I have written which is, at the moment, two very separate plays with the same starting point. I have no idea how to do this and no real idea how to begin. I think I may chop them up and see if I can free them up a bit before trying to put them together. I think the key is that they have to stop being their own little plays and start playing together (... did you see that? I just made a funny. I so did. Shut up.)

In other news, I have none. I'm reading a terrifying book called Some Hope by Edward St Aubyn. I'm hoping the hope in some form comes soon to it because at the moment it is simply terrifying. I also joined this place and got my first two assignments. I haven't read any of my first two assignments but ...

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