Saturday, March 1, 2008


Finally, she returns and actually updates her poor, fledgling blog. So sad that I have been so slack. I went back to the day job this week and usually I have a couple of minutes here and there to check in but this week has just been crazy busy. I come home every night and try and get some words on paper before falling into a deep sleep coma. Thankfully, I have got a few scribbling on the page – on my new film. I've almost written out the whole story. It's not quite a first draft but it's on it's way to being a first draft. It doesn't have a title yet and it is a long way from being anything I want it to be. But it's a start.

However, I have to leave it be this weekend and get a grant application together for One Cloud which is going up at this place in November. I'm actually going next week to have my photo taken for the local paper and then the next week is the launch – where I have to make a speech. I sort of said yes only to get the AD of the phone so I could get back to work. But now I'm thinking, what the fuck? I don't do speeches. And now I'm going to fret about it and waste a lot of time fretting about it.

I'm hoping once the grant application is out of the way, I can focus on the new stuff and get the first draft of the new play, Good World, typed up and start working on a second draft. And I want to have a go at putting the play I'm working on with J from two plays into one. I've got my work cut out for me. But all I want to do is sleep. Sleep, sleep and more sleep which is pretty much all I have done this morning. Actually, not pretty much. All I have done this morning. Time to get my shit together and get things done.

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