Thursday, January 8, 2009

I’m so smart

Have had two blah blah days writing. Haven't really got my groove thing on or some such nonsense. No more. Enough. I have to get a short play done by tomorrow (or the world will end, rampant disease will infect my community, some such nonsense) and I've been dancing around it for the last couple of days. It's a ten minute play and has three characters. I knew what I wanted to say with it, I knew the basic structure of the thing, I had the characters loosely mapped out … in short, everything I needed to write a first draft. And then … blah. I paced, I moaned, I grumped through the hours until it was time for cocktails.

And then it hit me. If you have three characters in a ten-minute play, you need two of them to have some sort of prior relationship, or else you waste too much time trying to get them to talk to each other or figure out who each of them is, and you never actually get to the story you're trying to tell now.

This is my one and only playwriting truism. Enjoy it.

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