Sunday, September 14, 2008

What’s next?

So along with everything else that has been neglected in the past 6 weeks while I dealt with cash job from hell, it's time to sprinkle some love and attention on my poor, neglected blog. I'm going to try something new in the next few weeks on this blog. From tomorrow morning I'm going to be trying to see just how much writing one slightly flu-ridden girl can achieve . We're talking quantity over quality here although a little quality won't be kicked out of bed for farting … if you get my drift. I have so many first drafts that need to be written in order to be able to submit for cool stuff that I would like to be a part of.

The plan is to get up each morning and just write. Write and write and write … you can see that I've thought this through to the last detail.

The two big priorities are a full length adult called Habits of the Love-Struck and a full-length children's play entitled … well, as I said, all the details have been nailed into place and nothing could possibly go wrong. I also have a couple of short plays I want to get done. I also have a lot of rewrites to get done. The well-organised plan is to do all the fresh writing in the morning hours, take a bath, do some reading and then spend the afternoons on rewrites. I mean, seriously, what could possibly go wrong?

I am going to try and blog about the experience. No, scrap that. I am going to blog about the experience. What's the point in having a blog if you can't whinge about perfect plans going down the toilet?

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