Thursday, September 18, 2008


Day three was a bit of a wipeout even though I got some research done and read a play. That's about all that happened. Have been struck down with yet another bout of flu which makes me the sickest person on the planet. What is with me getting the flu so much?

Anyway, still feeling like crap today but managed to drag myself out of my sick bed and write 11 pages on the new grown-up full-length. Which I should be dancing on the ceiling about but I fear that would just make me throw up. Oh, she's just so charming isn't she?

I've taken myself back to bed and will read some more plays and make some notes on stuff. And hopefully type up the rewrites on Good World – WHICH STILL HASN'T BEEN DONE! Slack doesn't even come close.

Please, wellness Gods, shine your magnificent light down on me.

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