Day One has got off to a flying start. Woke up with quite the spring in my step even though it's miserably cold, wet and windy. But I didn't have to go and stand in the cold, wet and wind and wait for a crowded train. Yeah for me. Boo hoo to all those people that did. Kiss my ass suckers.
Made coffee, rugged up and went and sat at my desk. Pulled out notebook and found where I had left off with my children's play. Started writing. Things were tough going for the first few pages even though it all came back to me quite quickly. Oh yes, this character has this going on. That character wants that. Still, it's been about six weeks since I last did anything to it. I thought if I get 10 handwritten pages out, it's all slaps on the back and high-fives all round. Two and a half hours later, 12 pages done and dusted. I so totally rock I'm finding it hard to stop making out with myself.
Now, it's out to get some supplies and do something I really should have done on Friday and then it's back to get started on the other full-length.
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