Monday, January 14, 2008

Fish and Humans

No time to blog on the weekend. I was trying desperately to finish a first draft of my new play called other forms of harm. It’s part of a project called The Cleaning Station that I’m writing with my friend J. It’s still in its experimental stage (which really means we don’t have a clue what we’re doing at the moment) but we’re hoping to find way to mesh both of our plays together to create one play called The Cleaning Station. It’s based on the marine concept of the cleaner fish that clean off the other fish and then send them back into battle. But it’s not about fish even though fish plays are thin on the ground. We’re adapting the concept for humans, what humans do for renewal, to cleanse themselves, so they can return to the battle.

In order to help this process J and I are going into residence at this place for a week next week. It’s my first time in Albury-Wodonga and am quite excited to see the world’s largest rolling pin which apparently can be found at Henri’s Bakery.

Also tried pilates for the second time and while I’m no more flexible and I look like an octopus with mental health issues, I did manage to get through the whole DVD without my brain hurting which it did on the first go. Still haven’t got the breathing thing down. But managed to fit into a coat that has been too small for ages this morning. Feeling good for Monday.

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