Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Boiling and extracting

Slight improvement over day three's effort of extracting the suckful from my life and boiling it down to make funky jewellery that everyone will think is pretty but would never consider buying. Managed to do some typing last night of what is called New Light Shine but really should be nicknamed Monster Play from Hell and other surrounding neighbourhoods. It's going to be so big it may need a forklift to extract it from the couch when it needs medical attention.

Anyway, typing, typing, typing, was about all I could manage which is definitely not enough to banish the suckful but it's enough to keep it at a manageable level.

Suck O Meter: 6.

You so know we are doing this until I have a solid and irrefutable run of zeros. I wonder if that life has ever existed. We shall see.

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