Writing plays, rewriting plays, seeing some theatre and talking about myself a lot. Yes, you know you want it.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Radio Plays
Are there any more differences?
You can't see the actors. Which I think is a marvellous invention and there should be more of it. I'd like all my actors dressed in a full body suit and then maybe they would learn that it's not you stupid, it's the words. The words are the important thing. Which is probably a good rule of thumb when thinking about radio plays. And I am. I want to write one. I'm just not sure where to begin.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I know. I'm like so GLOBAL.
I celebrated being Australian by writing and then eating Italian which puts me firmly in the Un-Australian but it beat being at the day job. Day jobs should be unconstitutional. Which is a bloody Australian thing to say.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Daniel Kitson
Daniel Kitson's one man show, 66A Church Road, is very funny, very touching, did I mention it was funny? and it's all about a house that became a home.
Go see it.
Why aren't you leaving?
Okay, this is becoming awkward now.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Feel the heat, and I do.
Off to the movies.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Here's one thing that happened when I was buried under a giant rum ball (true story, remind me to tell you sometime).
I'm having a play produced at a place called Paw Paw. It is actually a real place and not some joke a mean person played on me. It's in Michigan. Look it up.
So, it's been about a month since I was last here and while the time seemed to fly, it didn't seem like I was doing much. But I'm sure I was. I may be a genius at procrastination but still things get done. I hope that when you think of me, and I know that you think of me often and you are gloriously close to becoming a stalker, you don't picture a sloth human munching donuts on the couch. I rarely eat donuts.
But still, the end of the year saw the days melting in to each other and seemed to be gone before I knew it. And now, we are in @)!) – which is 2010 if hold down the shift button.
I'm doing something HUGE this year and I'm talking about it all here. You may see me around town trying not to cry and look aimless. It's going to be fun. Or it is going to kill me. Either way, I hope it changes my life, because as much as I love whinging to you all, I want to be a happy little duckling. Literally. But in case I can't manage that, I'll just take the happy.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
2010, or whatever
I know, but in my defence, you really should be used to it.
I would like to say that I will be better but let's sit that dance out.
Let us all just rest a while, near a christmas tree because I know you haven't pulled it down yet, and hopefully there will be a weird blue girl there that will entertain you until I get back.