So yesterday I managed to rewrite nine pages of Good World and I think the changes are better, adding a dream sequence when Leila and Frances were children and setting this world that they are in now. I want to get the first 20 pages nailed and then start sending it out to theatre companies. Force myself to get the rest of it done if someone wants to look at it. That's the goal for today before heading off to the pub with the other half for date night. Date night. God bless me and my antiquated ways. God bless me full stop.
I'm also reading Michael Cunningham's Specimen Days. I'm on the second story and am still a bit iffy about it. I admire the ambition but am not quite sure that he has pulled it off. Again, wait and see. I feel dirty saying anything bad about Michael Cunningham. The Hours is one of my favourite books and I read it at a time when I needed a story about women and their struggles in the world. I've now read it about five times and get something new from it every time. So I'm hoping I'll get to the end of the new one (which is actually not so new ) and be blown away by it all. A girl can dream can't she?
I'm finding it very difficult to fit everything into a day here. It's amazing how when I take away life from the equation, all the minutes that are taken up doing life things – cleaning, thinking about cleaning, going to the shops, buying birthday presents, cleaning up after other half, sorting out stuff, finding space for stuff, thinking about what I should actually be doing instead of all the life things and the day is gone before I know it. I don't know how to change this but at least I know it is a problem.
First 20 pages. Go, go, go
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