Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wash up

So the wash-up for the week was – finished rewrite of Chalk St Express which is now called Small Choices from a 10 minute to a 30 minute one-act, and sent it off to six places in the good ol USA. Rewrote King for a Day and managed to cut it in half so it is actually a 10 minute play – yet to find a good place to send it to but it's there and waiting. Also got the first two scenes – 24 pages – of Good World into some sort of shape. Still have to do the synopsis and cover letter which I have been conspicuously shoving to the bottom of the to-do pile. On Friday night I started going through the DG Directory and finding places to send it to. It became so overwhelming that I got drunk instead and so yesterday was a bit of a couch day. But the good thing was that I didn't feel bad about it. I had a good week of work, I was quite happy to have a day off – is this how the normal people live their lives?

Today, being Sunday, is weekly, write what you want day. Start something new, write the thing that has been on the backburner , etc. I'm actually quite looking forward to it. I'm going to get dressed up (or just get out of my pjs) and create a kinda party atmosphere. Will let you know how it goes.

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