Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I started out this afternoon writing something about Valentine’s Day and came out with this …

MINNIE: Just so we are clear, I don't think about dating serial killers. Well, I do, but not in a creepy way. And not all the time. I hold down a job. It's not a particularly exciting or demanding job but it's mine. I turn up. I sit at my desk. I don’t do much more than that but in this world, turning up is usually enough. I also am a member of a book club. Or I was, but they threw me out because I kept calling the other members stupid. They were. That's an absolute. Anyone who calls Dan Brown a deep and probing thinker deserves to be called stupid. They also deserve to have Dan Brown in hardback hurled at their head, and I hope the scar it left on Betty’s face is a long, red rope of a reminder about how angry the stupidity of others can make a person. They threw me out but forgot to remove me from the email list so I still get their poxy exchanges about what books they are reading. I should remove myself because it’s incredibly upsetting to read that The Time Traveller’s Wife is glorious and Pride and Prejudice was full of people that spoke weird … Also I just think I am going to be one of those people that ends up with a serial killer. You know. I'm just the type. I look like a serial killer wife. So I've got to put a little bit of thought into it all. You know. Prepare myself. Are you a serial killer Jason?

Somehow I don’t think this is going to have a happy ending …

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