So last time we chatted I was talking about radio plays and how to do them. Well, it turns out after much reading of said radio plays (note to you: read Tom Stoppard's radio plays from the 60s. They are awesome) that they are a lot like stage plays except you can't see them. Which, it also turns out, is perfect for someone like me who likes to sit characters on things and leave them there forever and a day. Just chatting. In my defence, this is what people do. For the other side, yeah, but who wants to pay money to watch that? Fair enough. BUT, and it is a big but (that's why I put it in capital letters) no one really wants to listen to that either. They got to move. I'm going to write that on a sticky note and stick it up on my wall. Hang on a minute ...
Right. Done. That should fix the problem shouldn't it?
So, I'm writing this radio play, and I am. Well, I'm more outlining it at the moment but I'm about half way there and I've got these characters walking down streets, in elevators, in the park. That's great. But ... no, wait a minute ... BUT now I have them together in a room and they have to be there for quite a bit of time. So the question is what do I do with them that will be interesting for someone that is just listening to them?
These are the things that keep me up at night.
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