Saturday, October 11, 2008


One Cloud kicked off its rehearsals on Wednesday in the most charming church hall I have ever seen. Only 5 out of the 7 actors could make it as well as the set designer. We had our first read through of the entire script and it was the first time I had heard this draft. It stood up remarkably well. So much so I went home and spent Thursday cutting 11 pages from the script. Yesterday we did 6 hours on two scenes which left my head hurting by the end of it. I'm really not a fan of rehearsals. I do really like sitting in a room writing these things. But, I soldier on. As I haven't spent a lot of time in rehearsal rooms I'm finding that the hardest thing is to just sit there and let them figure it out on their own and not saying, well, if you just read it right you will see that it's so completely different from what you are doing now and right now you are baby raping my poor play. I haven't done that. I've thought about doing that but I've swallowed the urge. Good little playwright.

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