Oh, day two was hard. Day Two was very hard because Day Two was supposed to be easy. I know that sounds like ridiculous logic but there you go. Life is nothing but moments made up of ridiculous logic. Sorry to turn the music off at the party kids, but there's nothing to look forward to. Kidding. There's plenty of things to look forward to. Like alcohol. So, yesterday I was going to write a monologue. It was going to be short, sharp and to the point. I knew what it was about, I knew enough to write it. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. This thing became like a labyrinth where every turn seemed to open six new different paths that all looked good and interesting and weird and possibly the right path and it all turned into a bit of a mindfuck. But it's done. And I realised I'm not that good at monologues. Which is horrifying and something that must be fixed. Is there a pill I can take for that?
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