Tuesday, June 14, 2011


  1. I almost got sprung doing something bad this morning, but I was swift with my coverup and got away with it.


  2. I wrote 27 pages yesterday in some sort of public holiday frenzy. Everything I write now, I can't stop thinking 'Is this too much like New Light Shine?' and then I have to tell myself 'Fuck it."

    Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it …


  3. I have too many books. Please, let no more bookchains go down the gurgler. I can't afford any more sales.


  4. I started writing a novel. And then I started writing more of it.


  5. I haven't written as much today. 8 pages on one thing, and a 4 page play about pills. It's a random sort of day.


  6. I'm thinking of buying a dog with my prize money.

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