Monday, December 7, 2009


Things that have changed about me.



Whenever we went away as a family when I was young and I was FORCED to share a hotel room with my brother, I would always have to have the curtains closed fully. Not an millimetre of light was allowed in. If I got woken before midday because of that stupid thing called the sun, then I was not going to be a happy camper. Well, I was never a happy camper, my angst having taken firm root from an alarmingly young age, but this vampiric hatred of the sun was non-negotiable. Anyway, all good and fine, when I was in my own room in my own house, but when I was transported to some hotel room where I was FORCED to share with my brother, there he was throwing open the curtains, blinds, windows willy-nilly like a very happy camper, which he never was but somehow that was deemed "okay" by the people that mattered, aka my parents. I would close, he would open, repeat until you both look miscast in a very boring pantomime. Once that gets boring, start yelling at each other, move quickly to name-calling, amp it up to screaming and then wait for your father to burst through the door with the wails of your mother in the background chanting "You've ruined the holiday" (because someone always did).


Open. Close. What the fuck do I care?

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