Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stalker Girl

It is fast becoming apparent to me that I am becoming obsessed with my trip to New York. Like stalker obsessed and really there should be a program, with steps, for people like me.


  1. I cannot stop thinking about New York. I cannot stop thinking about myself in New York. I can see myself walking down the streets. I don't even know what the streets look like but there I am. Weird.
  2. I have snorted every website that mentions New York and now it all runs through my veins. I know more about New York than anyone. Go on. Test me.
  3. The only way I can sleep is if I think about New York.
  4. I am being organised (which never happens) in order to get to New York and have the experience I want.
  5. I am not nice to be around at the moment. This is mainly because I am not in New York.
  6. I like saying, thinking, writing the words New York. I like it to the point of obsession.

    11 sleeps to go.

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