Yesterday started out as one of those days where all inspiration leaves the building and checking out other people have fun on Facebook becomes my life's work. As it was last "working" day before I have to go back to cash job on Monday for what seems like forever, I got really mean and school teacherish on myself. You are staying at this desk until you get this play to the end of Act One. It took forever. I didn't want to be there, the play was falling apart in front of my eyes and then , out of nowhere, one of the characters came out with something and it all, magically, seemed to fall into place. Yahoo!
I then took the longest bath ever – well, I deserved it – and finally finished The Savage Detectives by Roberto Belano. I have struggled and struggled with this book and then, just like my play, in the end it all fell into place. Great book and trust me, worth the struggle.
I'm off now to the food markets to get food for the next week and there is promise of more bacon and egg sandwiches for brunch. This is all good, because later, I have to tackle an application. I fear my mood is about to change.
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