Friday, June 13, 2008

Cover your eyes

Another weekend approaches – what did happen to this week?? – and yet again I have so much work to get done it will be a miracle if I make it back here by Monday with my sanity intact. These are the times I long to be one of the normal people who look forward to weekends so that they can have a rest. Have some fun. Do other stuff that isn’t work. But no, not me, not ever me, not even when I don’t have the cash job is that me. I’m a worker. I’m a non-stop worker. I work because I feel guilty if I don’t. It’s wrong, but that’s what I do. So … this weekend. Tonight I’m going to finish the backstories and whatnot. Then I’m going to use my new found information to rewrite the first act. I need to rewrite the whole first act tomorrow … Yes. Let’s all take a moment to ponder that. Of course, this is not going to happen because I also have to clean my disgusting pigswill house tomorrow. Let’s say that the rest of the weekend is going to be rewriting the first act. And then perhaps Sunday afternoon/Sunday night I can make a plan of what is going to happen in the Second Act which I have to start writing/rewriting come Monday. I need a working draft of the Second Act, typed, by the end of next weekend. Then I have a week to redraft the whole thing. This is the plan. Feel free to cover your eyes, we are now approaching the scary part.

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