Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tips for Playwrights

  1. Don't go see your work. It sounds like a good idea but it's really not. If you do go see your work, make sure that there is someone with you who will take you out afterwards and feed you whiskey and lovingly smile and nod when you declare you are quitting theatre.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Just so you all don't think I'm dead (I'm not dead, I'm writing a screenplay which is kind of like death but hopefully more profitable) here's something I'm in:

My little monologue about a 15 year old girl who says cunt a lot (okay, well twice, but still. I didn't say cunt until I was like 21. I didn't think I was allowed. But all the girls are saying it now. As am I. Cunt.) is opening tonight! In Sydney! I will be there tomorrow night so come along and buy me a drink. Or say cunt to me. Whatever works for you.