Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Recommendation

In case you're looking for something to read other than my play (I know, as if!) you should buy this. And then read it. Because it is awesome and I'm very jealous that I didn't write it and I want to go and get drunk with Sheila Heti and just talk about stuff for like, forever.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I know. Enough with the shameless plugging. But in case you have something against Amazon (and really, no one is going to blame you for that) and you're an Australian, you might want to go to Fishpond and get New Light Shine there. Look at me. I'm really cheap. Thank god I'm not easy … Oh. Wait …

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Light Shine

So, you've all been waiting, patiently, somewhat silently, for New Light Shine to be published. Well, it's time to get excited because it is done and out in the world! I know. I'm jumping up and down too. Well, I would be, if I had an ankle that could jump. But I don't, and thanks for bringing up the fact that I'm a cripple on a Monday morning. Really appreciate it.

But if you're in the mood for some new writing, get your wallets out and go here or here and lay me down some cash. I'll be giving out free kisses to all that buy a copy, and you so know that I'll slip in some tongue.

Day Thirty-One

Okay. So I was going to be oh so good and blog my way through 31 plays in 31 days. But then, you know what happened? I HAD TO WRITE 31 PLAYS IN 31 DAYS! So, you know, back the fuck off. And I did. I have 31 absolutely atrociously written new plays. I couldn't be prouder of myself.