Sunday, July 24, 2011


The lovely Cristin Kelly interviewed me for a new project she has started which you can find here. A great idea, right? Australian playwrights talking about writing plays. Genius.

Even greater, she made me number one. There should be some sort of award for her, or soon, I will buy her many drinks and thank her properly.

In the meantime, you can read it here

Saturday, July 23, 2011


It's amazing the things you learn when you are in the middle of trying to finish a scene. Just a scene. Just something in writing, on a file on your computer, just to tell yourself that things haven't gone completely to hell, and you are a writer more than just by name.

Thing I learnt tonight: You will never completely know what you are doing. Never, ever. Enjoy the naivety. It may be the last time you experience it. I don't know why. I don't. I wish I did. I think it would make this easier. But then, really, I don't think I would like this if it was easy. I think I like the hard. I think we all do.

PS: Who the fuck writes plays in winter? I mean, seriously. Spring and autumn. Spring and autumn. It should be a law.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More work

Things that annoy me about working people:

1. That they work.

2. They like work so much that they invent reasons to keep staying at work. I've been back at this day job for 4 weeks and I have already got 3 invites for drinks, a dinner, a lunch, a chance to spend my lunch hour watching the firm's netball team in the grand final and an end of financial year party. I mean, go home. Seriously. Even whole DVD sets of The Jersey Shore is better than eating canapés with each other. [## This is not a scientific fact, but am I right?]

3. They talk about how all the horrible, mundane things that they are forced to do on a daily basis are "well, okay, really, when you compare it to ..." but never quite seem to finish that sentence.

4. They tend to laugh at things that just aren't funny. "Remember that contract? Yeah? With the ... I KNOW! Hilarious, right?" No Sir, go to your room and look up the meaning of hilarious.

5. That they turn up each and every fucking Monday morning with clean underwear and brushed hair. I seriously don't know how they do it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bright side

It's so nice when I come back to previous temp jobs. All the sweet, smiling faces asking me how I am, and what I've been up to, and what other law firms I've been to, and what gossip I have for them. There's presents, and free coffees, and ... No. Wait. None of those things happen. You get back, someone points vaguely to a spare desk that is buckling under the weight of piles of work labelled "Stuff that is too hard/too boring/too stupid for me to deal with so let's leave it for the Temp" and they all have a look on their face of "JUST GET ON WITH IT ... Please". I imagine the Please because I don't want to fully give in to my cyncism. This return to former day job has had the added bonus of giving me the flu. I know. How can I ever repay them? I'm thinking of letting the flu develop into pneumonia just so I can pass it back to them. Genius.

In other news ... my partner woke up in the middle of the night last night and yelled out "WHAT ABOUT THE GERBILS?" No. I have no idea either.