Friday, March 25, 2011

Where’s Shannon?

It's come to my attention that people are trying to find me and are finding it difficult, having to resort to reading my inane ramblings on Twitter and Facebook. Sorry about that.

If you're trying to get into contact with me, the best way is by email –

However, if you are spending your days yearning for inane ramblings then head to @shanmurdoch on twitter where I do my best to take inane to the level of martial art.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yale Drama Series Award

About a week ago, at about 7.30am, just as I was getting ready to get on a plane to go to Sydney, I got a phone call.

On the other end of the phone was a very nice man who very calmly told me that I had won the Yale Drama Series Award for 2011.

This lovely, lovely man also remained very calm when I started shouting things like "OH MY GOD!" and "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and "I THINK I NEED TO SIT DOWN" which is all I managed to get my brain to say for the ten minutes we were on the phone.

This is the announcement in the New York Times:

"I'M REALLY HAPPY" is about all I'm managing to say at this point but it doesn't come close. I'm thinking I'm going to have to spend some time inventing new words like superridiculamazahappy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Light Shine

My play is on in Sydney. Well, a reading of my play is in Sydney which is pretty cool and I can barely wait to get there and be all playwrightey for a couple of days.

This is a little something I wrote about the things I thought about, the things that were going on in my life when I started writing the play and what the play is about.

Enjoy. And if you are in Sydney on the 16th March, come down to Parramatta to see it and say hello.