Oh my god. Save me from myself. In the last few days, round about the time I started this I have become obsessed with the trials and tribulations of two certain people. I don't want to tell you who they are because it's awful that I find them so fascinating. After reading about them, which I do, frequently, I feel like I must scrub my brain. They are lowering my already dwindling IQ every time I click on to the latest article about them. I'm disappearing down the well of these two people and I have no idea how to get myself back out. Good Lord. The evilness of the internet has shown its true power. And I, faithful reader, am no match
Okay, I'm amongst friends. You won't judge me too harshly, I'm sure. Okay. Here we go .... It's ... Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt. I KNOW! A few months ago, I didn't even know who these people were but now I'm a junkie, firing up the pipe of these two blonde, very stupid, very fucked up people. And it's not so much the dumb. It's more the fuckedupness. They got me. Oh yes they did. The deathly pursuit of their fame, the way they divorce just to try and get interest in a TV Show, the fact that she has had 30 cosmetic surgeries and her nose or ear or something important is starting to fall off, the fact that they are now living in a studio out the back of a friend's house because they have blown their entire savings, and all this because they were on some reality show that I actually have never seen. It sounds like a terrible TV show and surely, surely, they weren't stupid enough to think that it would go on forever and that people would never get sick of watching them in their constructed version of reality. I feel sorry for them and yet I want to punch them in the face, hence the fascination.
But in good news, I have written over 11.000 words of my novel. So maybe Heidi and Spencer are helping me. Oh god, please let that not be true.