I'm now on the second last scene of the New Light Shine. It's … happening. I think that's the best we can say about that. It's fine, it's good in fact, it's just, you know, work. But I think this process is working. By the time I write this play, I'm going to be all over it like a rash. Seriously. Don't you try and go off on your little tangents characters, as I know you love to do. I've got a red pen and I'm not afraid to use it.
Writing plays, rewriting plays, seeing some theatre and talking about myself a lot. Yes, you know you want it.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
A note to the gods
Am now into Scene Four of my treatment for New Light Shine and without trying to jinx the whole thing, it seems to be going rather well. The step outline is just right. Not too much to actually stifle it when I want to go off into other territory but keeping me enough on track so that it doesn't go off into the wilderness not to return. It's going to be long. The treatment, rather than the play. One is hoping people won't lose decades of their life sitting through the play.
I['m already starting to hear Joe, Peregrine and Anna in my head and how they talk and how they move and what they are like with each. Again, not with the jinxing, but it is all progressing quite nicely and for that I say thank you kindly good gods. Thank you.
Day … gone
Ways I procrastinated today:
- Twitter
- Twitter
- And I think I spent some time on twitter.
Very easy to procrastinate at day job but not so easy to do actual work. Discuss.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Well, last weekend I outlined, wrote and rewrote 50 pages of Cut for Stone which nearly ruined me forever more. It takes a special kind of genius to wake up on Monday morning more tired than you were on Friday night. But that's what I did and it's now off and into the hands of the all important judging committee. Even if it doesn't get the nod, I'm pretty proud of my effort. AMAZING, what a crazy deadline will do for your productivity.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Good little writer
Have been back at cash job for the last week and a bit. Not the worst cash job I've ever had but not exactly a barrel of fun either. It's busy and it's all to do with metal and mining and things that come out of the ground and get shipped to the other side of the world. Or China. This of course needs a lot of lawyers writing a lot of things to each other. But a job is a job is a job.
But in an effort to become Good Little Writer of the Year, I have been getting up at 4.30 (yes, that's in the am) and working on New Light Shine. It takes every ounce of determination to sit up in bed and say "Get up you lazy little thing". But I have been doing it and now the outline is done and dusted. The whole play is worked out. I know what this play is about, I know what happens and I know why it happens. Happy? You betcha.
I'm going to have to leave it alone for the weekend as I've been longlisted for a fellowship and now I have to get the next round of the application ready by Monday morning. Fun times.