Sunday, February 22, 2009

So far … so okay

Finished up on page 44 last night of the new script which is not as far as I wanted to be but brain fried writing is almost as bad as not writing at all. Page 44 is about the half-way point which means that there is going to have to be a hell of a lot of writing today to get it finished. Can she do it? Can she really, really do it?

Stay tuned.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


2 ½ hours of work and 10 more pages down. Which actually didn't seem a lot when I was doing it but now seems magnificent and genius-like and that word that is never used to describe me … prolific.

Now, the next 10 pages.


Again, with the no blogging. I keep thinking I should but then I think I don't really have much to say. But then I always have something to say. ALWAYS.

So this is what has been happening.

Heat, fires, my birthday, fire, heat, more heat, unbelievable fire … okay, you get the message.

But that's what has been happening outside in the big wide world and here in this space, we are all about me.

I turned 32. This has always been a number in my head. Things have to happen by 32 or I'm giving the whole thing up. And while I don't think that will happen … what would I do with my time? … it is serving as a good kick up the ass to get some things done. My only resolution for being 32 that rain, hail, shine, alcohol, hard days work, doesn't matter, there is writing done every day. EVERY DAY. I've only been doing it for 19 days but there has been a couple of days when so tired, so very very tired but I've pulled out the notebook and done at least a page. Writers write, so they say.

So this is what I'm working on:

Molasses – this was a short play I wrote when I was at NIDA. I've always thought it was a long play trying very hard to be a short play but just not getting there. So it's now, way too many years after it should have been, being turned into a long one act. I'm hoping to get it to about 70-80 minutes. I've been working on the outline for the last few weeks and yesterday started the actually writing. I'm on page 23. I'm trying to get a first draft by Sunday. Wish me luck.

Sophie by the water – this is a short play that sort of came out of nowhere and now is causing more trouble than it really should. If you going to arrive out of nowhere with all your baggage and your stuff, you might as well be nice and well-formed about it all.

Home Law – another short play that I had the idea for a couple of months back and it stayed as a one page note until I turned it into an outline a couple of weeks back. It's still an outline.

Bloody Bride Girl (working title) - the lead character of this just came to me the other day and started talking about stuff. Weird stuff. Funny stuff. Murderous stuff. Love her already. This is just a set of ideas and dialogue snippets.

I'm trying to limit how much I am working on. This won't work but the idea is there.